How to make appointments

If you would like to make an appointment you can fill in the appointment request form on this page or send us an email to or by phoning us on 08 6254 2282. ( International phone +618 6254 2282 )

Book an appointment.

    What will my Therapy Involve?

    First Appointment

    Your Clinical Interview

    Your first appointment will take approximately 2-3 hours.

    It will involve an interview with a clinician to discuss the nature of your concerns, your symptoms and your medical history.

    Your Physical and Neurological Exam

    You will also undergo a physical and neurological evaluation and complete some questionnaires to further assess your brain’s functional state.

    A quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) may be performed if your clinician feels that it is necessary.

    Your Electroencephalogram (EEG)

    You will put on an elastic cap (it looks like a swimming cap with receptors attached), which will measure the levels of electrical activity in your brain on several different frequencies.

    The receptors receive information from your brain and send them to the computer.

    No stimulus or electrical signals are sent back to the cap or into your brain from this measurement.

    Possible other questionnaires or tests you may be asked to complete

    We use a variety of other testing tools to evaluate your current functional state, which may include:

    • Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)
    • World Health Organisation Health Checklist
    • Traumatic Brain Injury Scale
    • Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire
    • Other tests that may be relevant to your situation

    This completes your first visit.

    The logistical details of your clinical report appointment date and time and financial arrangements can be worked out between you and the administration staff before you leave the clinic.

    IFN clinicians will then consider:

    • The information provided during your interview,
    • The results of your physical and neurological examinations
    • Results of other questionnaires
    • Assessment of your EEG findings
    • Any other information (blood test results, MRI results etc.) that you may have provided.

    Integrating all of this information, the clinicians will analyse these results and develop a trial of treatment (treatment plan), which they will discuss with you during your clinical report session. 

    Your Second Visit Will Include Your Clinical Report

    Your First Clinical Report

    During this consult the results of your initial assessments including EEG findings, physical examination findings, other patient centered appropriate specialized testing (including depression and quality of life scales) and your subjective reports of your experience and history will be discussed in the context of your proposed trial of treatment that the clinicians have developed for you.

    Your clinical consultation updates can take place in a face-to-face meeting or over the phone depending on your personal preference or on the logistics involved.

    This consultation will last approximately 15- 30 minutes.

    Due to the experimental nature of our therapy, every patient at IFN undergoes a trial of therapy during the first 12-weeks (36 treatments) of care to determine whether or not they will adequately respond to the therapy.

    You will receive a review assessment every 18 treatments, which usually occur over a 6-week period. (This time line can be adjusted in emergency situations or for international patients if required).

    The financial costs involved, your availability for treatment, the risks involved, other therapies that may also be helpful to you and any questions that you have will also be discussed at this time.

    After the trial of therapy mentioned above, you will then be given time to decide whether to proceed with the trial of treatment or not.

    If you decide to proceed with the trial, you will need to provide a written consent declaring that you understand the issues mentioned above and you are both willing to commence treatment and that you give us permission to commence treatment. It is important to understand that you may cease treatment at any time by simply informing us of your intention not to continue with care.

    The logistical details of appointment dates and times and financial arrangements can be worked out between you and the administration staff who will give consideration to your preferences and logistics specific to your situation but still allow you to meet the treatment frequency prescribed in your treatment plan.

    Trial of Therapy Assessment

    Your 12-week clinical trial update report

    Following the initial 12 week trial of care you will have another clinical consult at which time we will outline and discuss your progress to date and present a new treatment plan which will include a prognostic projection of the expected results to be achieved by the therapy, including a projected time- line in which the expected clinical milestones are be achieved as the treatment progresses. We will also answer any questions and address and concerns that you might have regarding the proposed treatment plan.

    The financial costs involved, your availability for treatment, and any questions that you have will also be discussed.

    You will then be given time to decide whether to proceed with the next phase of treatment or not. You will need to provide a written consent before the next treatment plan is commenced. 

    The logistical details of appointment dates and times and financial arrangements can be worked out between you and the administration staff who will give consideration to your preferences and logistics specific to your situation but still allow you to meet the treatment frequency prescribed in your treatment plan.

    Continuing Follow-up Assessments

    Your Regular Reassessment Reports

    (Every 18 treatments / 6 weeks)

    Your therapy will involve visits to the clinic for neuroplastic therapy, a home exercise program, and nutritional supplements. Before each new treatment plan your progress to date, goals of the program for the current treatment plan, and any questions you have will be discussed in a clinical update report, which may take place as a face to face report or conducted over the phone. These reports are usually 15 minutes in duration.

    Clinic Appointments

    Your Regular Visits

    Clinician’s will recommend the frequency of your clinic sessions each week. During these appointments, you will be completing a selection of prescribed non-invasive tasks and exercises. These tasks are designed to be very simple and are proven to stimulate specific areas of your brain.

    You may or may not be seen by the same clinicians during your regular clinic appointments each week. However, please be assured that they will all be adhering consistently to your treatment plan.

    Although most appointments will take 10-15 minutes, please allow 30 minutes for each appointment to allow for extra testing or questioning that the clinicians may need to do during your appointment. Anytime you attend the clinic is a good opportunity to bring a list of questions you may have for the Clinicians.

    If for some reason you will be late for your appointment or need to reschedule your appointment please lets us know as soon as possible.

    Your Home Program

    Home Exercises

    You will be given a number of home exercises to do.  These will vary depending on which parts of your brain require stimulating, inhibiting or connecting to other parts. 

    The program may include music therapies, balance and co-ordination exercises.  These exercises should be done as prescribed and will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

    Nutritional supplements

    Your Nutritional Support Program

    Your treatment plan may recommend a regime of nutritional supplements. These supplements need to be taken in addition to a healthy diet.  These supplements will support your brain to develop and sustain healthy activity and connections.

    Please let us know of any allergies that you might have and any medications that you might be taking at the time.


    How many treatments will I need?

    Clinicians will recommend the frequency of your clinic sessions each week. The frequency of visits will be also discussed with you before each treatment plan. The number and frequency of treatments depend on your clinical situation.

    What happens in a treatment?

    During your treatment, you will be completing a selection of prescribed non-invasive tasks including various stimulation procedures and exercises. These tasks are designed to be very simple and are proven to stimulate specific areas of your brain.

    Will I see the same clinician each visit?

    You may or may not be seen by the same clinicians during your regular clinic appointments each week. However, please be assured that they will all be adhering consistently to your treatment plan.

    How long do the appointments take?

    Although most appointments will take 10-15 minutes, please allow 30 minutes for each appointment to allow for extra testing or questioning that the clinicians may need to do during your appointment. Anytime you attend the clinic is a good opportunity to bring a list of questions you may have for the Clinicians.

    What if I am late or need to change an appointment?

    If for some reason you will be late for your appointment or need to re-schedule your appointment please let us know as soon as possible.