Receiving high-quality, clinician-monitored, neuroplasticity therapy in the comfort of your own home is now a reality. Virtual (home) treatment utilization transformed mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic lockdown periods in the province of Ontario in Canada, more than two-thirds of mental health treatment visits were completed by virtual (home) visits. Similar transitions occurred in other countries across the world. Virtual visits allowed children and families to continue their mental health care while adhering to safety precautions. Studies of virtual visits have been shown to have equivalent outcomes in patient adherence, satisfaction, and symptom reduction when compared with in-person visits.
We asked Dr Randy Beck, executive director at the Institute of Functional Neuroscience in Perth to explain the new program that is now available.” We have been developing and trialling this new approach to delivering brain-based therapy for over a year now. We have been monitoring a variety of variables such as patient satisfaction, the effectiveness of the therapy and of course safety concerns and found the results mirrored the international studies mentioned above. This program can be applied anywhere in the world under the supervision of our experienced clinicians in Perth. We have a complete online training program for carers, parents or patients that would like to utilise this new therapeutic delivery system. Assessments are conducted at IFN Affiliate clinics located across the world and then a customised treatment plan is created by our clinical team in Perth. The therapy is then applied in the home under the supervision of our clinical team.”
If you would like more information about the IFN Home Care Program (HCP) please contact the Institute of Functional Neuroscience at 618 6254 2282 or
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